A Week and More in Cozumel
Cozumel attract all sorts of diving and snorkeling enthusiasts, but we were most taken by the friendly ease we found in restaurants and villages around the island.
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Cozumel attract all sorts of diving and snorkeling enthusiasts, but we were most taken by the friendly ease we found in restaurants and villages around the island.
The social focus of the El Cedrál Fiesta on Cozumél on this night was the simple folk dancing of the town's residents, and the showing off of their traditional finery. Most of the women of the town, and many of the men, dressed in their once-a-year best dresses and promenaded for a couple of hours to the accompaniment of a Mexican brass band.
Tulum is known for its Mayan ruins, the only ruins found on the coast of Mexico. It is true these ruins are worthwhile, but they are also crowded by tourists…
Uxmal, one of the Mayan cities along the “Ruta Puuc” in the Central Yucatan is one of the best restored and preserved of the Mayan sites. The visibility of the…
The Mayan ruins at Cobá differ from most of the others available for tour in the Yucatán in that they've been completely overrun by jungle. In this picture, there's even…
Tulum was a smaller Mayan city on the Caribbean coast of the Yucatán Peninsula. It sits on small cliffs overlooking the sea, and is ringed by a wall, which features…