The Camino de Santiago Packing List
The definitive Camino de Santiago packing list: all the incidental gear and other tips you’re going to want for walking the Camino de Santiago.
The definitive Camino de Santiago packing list: all the incidental gear and other tips you’re going to want for walking the Camino de Santiago.
The best backpack for the Camino de Santiago is the smallest and lightest-weight one that will carry everything you want – and that fits you your body. It’s that simple.
A comprehensive discussion of the shoes and socks you need for the Camino de Santiago, along with tips on preventing and treating blisters.
Your guide to walking, driving, or eating your way across the Camino del Norte, or the Northern Way of the Camino de Santiago in Spain. From Cantabria, through Asturias and finally to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, we found the sort of scenic beauty, great food, and intriguing historic context that keep us returning to Spain.
How is it that the Camino de Santiago across Spain still captures the individual imagination with some of the hardships and rewards of a wilderness experience, even in the midst of a populated area?
The debate about walking sticks: Do you absolutely need them? Probably not. Will they make the Camino de Santiago easier if you have them? Definitely yes.
A list of National Parks and Monuments by state, with links to our stories about parks we’ve visited. There are 62 U.S. National Parks, including two in American Samoa and the United States Virgin Islands. Lots of other fun facts about National Parks.
Nature reserves, art and fine food: best places to see in Menorca, one of Spain’s Mediterranean Balearic Islands.
Spain is famous for its spectacular cathedrals. Spain’s rich artistic history perhaps finds its highest expression in these dramatic monuments.
A few things you can do, and wear, to make flying easier and much more comfortable. How to book your flight, choose your seats, organize your carry-on, enjoy traveling with ease.