Our Annual Hotel Summary: Reviews and Awards
A summary of our 2023 hotel stays. Awards to the year’s best. Most appreciated hotel features. How to find and book the right hotel for you.
A summary of our 2023 hotel stays. Awards to the year’s best. Most appreciated hotel features. How to find and book the right hotel for you.
Here’s an updated list of things I’ve learned from traveling pretty much non stop for the last 12 years. Travel tips and seasoned advice.
Since September 2010, we’ve been world travelers. To mark this 10-year anniversary, we review our odyssey with some prime examples of our most memorable travel experiences, surprise finds, lessons learned, and pictures taken.
Bucket list destinations from several of our Boomer travel blogger friends.
The benefits of traveling the world never occurred to us when we started traveling in 2010. We still love to travel. Here are the facets of travel that make us happiest: nature, history, people, adventure, arts…and the unexpected.
Here are a few things I’ve learned about traveling pretty constantly for the last nine years. Some are useful, but most are not. They’re just observations. I’m sure you have your own.
A dog bite in Hanoi led to numerous doctor appointments. But advance care and rabies vaccinations at our local travel clinic saved the day, as did having our annual travel insurance program in place.
Traveling after 60. Senior travel. Running away. Whatever you want to call it, it’s what is keeping us young.
The pros and cons of the RV lifestyle for beginners. To rent or purchase a camper van? To use your RV for vacations, seasonal travel, or full time living?