50 Random Thoughts About Travel
I was actually sitting around yesterday morning thinking. Yes, it happens some times. Of course, it doesn't do anyone else any good unless I somehow communicate those thoughts. “If only…
Merida, Mexico: Beers, Beets, and Mayan Language Lessons
Traveling, especially how we do it, can be a bit of a drudge sometimes. When we’re actually moving, which is to say when we’re not housesitting or renting an apartment…
Cenote Multún-Ha, Cobá, Yucatán
Another couple of photos from the Cenote of Multún-Ha, near Cobá, Yucatán. Those rocks on the lower left of the photo are actually under about three meters of water. That's…
Cenote Wall, Multun-Ha, Cobá, Yucatán, Mexico
Since we've been in the Yucatán, the almost unanimous chorus of recommendations has been, “go to a cenote.” So, yesterday we suspended our “ruins tour” for an hour and did…
Mayan Warrior, Chichén Itzá
Much of what we know of the religious and war practices of the Mayans is inferred from the carvings on their monuments at sites such as Chichén Itzá. Here is…
Crucifixion, San Miguel de Allende
San Miguel de Allende is perhaps best known among Americans (of the United States variety) as a charming colonial town with lots of attractions for the expats and tourists. There…
San Miguel de Allende: Blue Skies, Art, History, and Change
Our second visit to San Miguel de Allende felt entirely different from the first. Four years ago (February 2009), we stayed at the lovely Posada Carmina, walked all over town…
Pyramid of Kukulkan, Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico
The big pyramid of Kukulkán at Chichén Itzá against the bright blue sky. Kukulkán is a Maya feathered serpent deity similar to the Aztec Quetzalcoatl. We got up early this…
Mayan Temple Ruins, Kabah, Yucatan, Mexico
A very hot day in the Yucatán yesterday exploring the remains at Kabah and Uxmal along the “Ruta Puuc,” which is a circle of Mayan ruins surrounding the city of…